Where To Go From Here
“Heart Module” mixed media sculpture 2021
WIP acrylic on paper
As I begin work in the studio after completing such a major solo show, I am once again at a loss for words to define the content that is emerging. Preparing for a large cohesive show is nerve-wracking. As much as possible, I wanted a concise and direct statement to define the body of work I was about to show. I feel “Strength in Vulnerability” achieved its intent. I am not starting over now, but I want to free my current work from any constraints imposed by a previous narrative.
Putting together a thematic show helped me navigate through the usual muck. The confusion of needing to tell stories in order to have content rather than intuitively maneuvering the more formal aspects of art making. I find the more I put words to the visual, the clearer my intention becomes. I have always seemed to ride this fine line of having a clear direction and allowing myself to be open for surprises. As I work, I vacillate between finding meaningful subject matter and relying on some sort of meditative, rote mark-making. There are so many gems to be found in this state of meandering despite the ambiguity. And then there are also many missed opportunities or paths taken that lead to nowhere from clinging too tightly to a certain discourse within the work. Like all of life I suppose. It’s finding balance.
Making art is not about precision. It’s not about getting it right every time. It is a journey. It is about taking the direction that is not comfortable. It is about dreaming the impossible and never achieving that dream. Disappointments, failed projects, doubts. These are all companions in the studio.
I am embarking on some new and exciting work. I’m not entirely sure where I will be going with it. That’s the exciting part. I just spent months finishing up a sculpture. It is a tender flowery image being protected by a glittery cage of cut wire and glass beads. The “cage” is not moored but rather suspends from dry reeds. A metaphor perhaps. A heart opening and yet still bound to the beautiful constructs of its protectors. Ready to let loose but also holding on to what is familiar.
The painting I am working on is still hovering in the abstruse. It started out as bunches of reeds entangled with barbed wire. Doing a dance where neither is winning. I am in the process of obscuring that though. Putting another “cage” of sorts around this duet of exposing vulnerability and keeping safely protected and bound. Stay tuned for where this one goes. Haha. Don’t hold me to this story.